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Physical Education

"Physical activity is critical to the development and maintenance of good health. The goal of physical education is to develop physically educated individuals who have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity."

The Physical Education Department within the Sachem 消消犯 District, in accordance with the recommendations of the New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (NYSAHPERD) , has designed a unique high school curriculum.

The Sachem Physical Education Program is dedicated to promoting lifetime fitness and physical activity, and enhancing personal fitness, health and wellness for all 消消犯. To that end, the focus of this curriculum is to help all 消消犯 become informed, independent decision-makers capable of planning for enjoyable lifetime fitness and physical activity and achieving personal fitness and sport activity goals. The objectives of the curriculum are to assist 消消犯 to:

  • Become physically active and physically fit.
  • Acquire knowledge of the benefits of physical activity, health and wellness, and the principles of fitness.
  • Become an individual capable of designing his or her own personal fitness program.

The physical education program aligns the curriculum and instruction with the New York State Learning Standards and the NASPE Content Standards. The complex motor and sport activities are organized into eight categories (team passing sports, net/wall sports, striking/fielding sports, target sports, dance and aesthetics, outdoor activities, personal performance and personal fitness activities). Students will be assigned to classes by grade (9,10,11,12). The sport activities will be assigned by grade from each of the eight sport activity categories.

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Contact Information

Thomas Mullee, High 消消犯 Chairperson, Sachem North
Phone: (631) 471-1400 ext 5605

Jake Poffenbarger, High 消消犯 Chairperson, Sachem East
Phone: (631) 716-8200 ext 5206